Baldemar Fierro


Baldemar Fierro combines the novelist's obsession with details and the poet's fascination with beauty. Fusing the two in large-scale photos, he composes visual stories, pieces that leave the viewer full of the sorts of questions that our society rarely bothers with anymore. They are the output of someone who unearths magic in strange places and invite each of us to do the same. In doing so, we form a relationship with the art, breathing a part of ourselves into each image." ~Steve Barmucci

Baldemar Fierro is a freelance photographer based in Laguna Beach, California. Born and raised in Orange County, CA, Fierro has been photographing for more than 20 years. He attended photography school at OCC where he learned analog photography. Large and medium format cameras, film development and darkroom techniques that are still relevant in today’s digital workflow.

Fierro first exhibited at the Festival of Arts in 2005, his work has also been shown at the Laguna Art Museum.


 2005 - 2021 Festival of Arts,  Laguna Beach